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Mapecem Quickpatch

High-performance concrete patch, with CO2 fully offset in the entire life cycle

High-Performance Concrete Patch

Mapecem Quickpatch is a high-performance, fast-setting, cementitious material used for the patching of concrete surfaces. This product features a very low emission of volatile organic compounds and includes an offset of greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Natural gray to blend with existing concrete
  • Ease of placement, with variable water ratios
  • Mapecem Quickpatch can be applied from 1/16″ to 1-1/2″ (1.5 mm to 3.8 cm) neat and from 1-1/2″ to 3″ (3.8 to 7.5 cm) neat in areas no larger than 24 sq. ft. (2.23 m²). Larger areas will require Mapecem Quickpatch to be extended.
  • Mapecem Quickpatch can be primed and covered with a leveler, a cement-based overlay or a tile-setting mortar in as little as 90 minutes, depending on temperatures.
  • Moisture-controlling adhesives or moisture mitigation systems can be used over Mapecem Quickpatch in as little as 16 hours.
  • Floor coverings can be installed in as little as 16 hours after application as long as the existing subfloor meets the requirements of the mortars or adhesives used for installation.